Our reference market is the Automotive and through the processes of hot stamping, laser cutting, Shot Blasting and welding we produce sheet metal components for motor vehicles for the largest car manufacturers in the world.

Hot Stamping
Hot forging is a metal processing and transformation process that takes place at HIGH TEMPERATURES. The shapes, even very COMPLEX, are obtained thanks to the pressure exerted by a press on a steel mold designed in 3D and built in the laboratory taking into account numerous variables.
Laser Cut
Laser Next 2141 is designed to meet the needs of the most diverse industrial sectors (job shop, press shop, aerospace, agricultural, automotive) and is available in different configurations to meet every production need. Laser Next 1530 and Laser Next 2130 are designed, built and tested for cutting automotive components, in particular hot-stamped steel parts. The 2130 is ideal for cutting large automotive parts (such as the door ring).
Shot blasting machine and oiler
Carousel tunnel shot blasting machine, for the treatment of pieces hanging from a rotating hook. The hook carrying trolleys are distributed at a constant pitch on a closed ring air profile. The loading and unloading operations are carried out on the trolleys during the processing phase of the machine.